T-19: automated segmentation in freesurfer¶
Coding period starts in 19 days. So I'm focusing on preparing my
dataset for analysis. As I mentioned yesterday, I have structural
MRIs for 10 subjects, in the form of .nii files. Today, I started
automated cortical and subcortical reconstruction using freesurfer.
Below is the bash code I use.
for i in 503 506 507 512 513 517 518 519 522 533;
do fsl_sub -l /data/logs/ recon-all -subjid $i -i {i}_mprage.nii -all;
Since MRI reconstruction tends to take several hours per subject,
if you have access to a cluster or more than one processor, its
better to do these in parallel. At my lab, I have access to a local
cluster. The command ...
sends jobs to my cluster. The argument ...
-l /data/logs/
specifies where to send log files, which come in handy if my code
crashes for some reason.
The rest is freesurfer syntax.
tells freesurfer to run cortical reconstruction
-subjid $i
is the id for the current subject
-i {i}_mprage.nii tell
specifies the input file for the structural MRI.
And finally ...
tells freesurfer to setup subject directories and perform
subcortical segmentation.
This code should take about 10 hours to run, so hopefully we
can get started tomorrow.