Today I performed dSPM source localization on the right amygdala.
The code is shown below and a plot of the output.
I chose random orientations for each amygdala voxel. This decision
was influenced by a recent paper by Attal and Schwartz.
The results show that the right amygdala is more active for face
stimuli around 0.2 seconds after stimulus presentation.
I'm going to submit this for code review as an mne example.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend for all you Americans out there. I'll
see you again on Tuesday.
In [3]:
%load /Users/Alan/PythonEEG/
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import mne
from mne.datasets import spm_face
from mne.minimum_norm import make_inverse_operator, apply_inverse_epochs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
# get the data paths
data_path = spm_face.data_path()
subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects'
# get the segmentation, bem, and transformation files
aseg_fname = subjects_dir + '/spm/mri/aseg.mgz'
mri = data_path + '/MEG/spm/SPM_CTF_MEG_example_faces1_3D_raw-trans.fif'
bem = subjects_dir + '/spm/bem/spm-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif'
# Read the epoch data
epo_fname = data_path + '/MEG/spm/SPM_CTF_MEG_example_faces1_3D_epochs.fif'
epochs = mne.read_epochs(epo_fname)
# load segment info using nibabel
aseg = nib.load(aseg_fname)
aseg_data = aseg.get_data()
ix = aseg_data == 54 # index for the right amygdala
# get the indices in x, y, z space
iix = []
for i in range(ix.shape[0]):
for j in range(ix.shape[1]):
for k in range(ix.shape[2]):
if ix[i, j, k]:
iix.append([i, j, k])
iix = np.array(iix) # convert to array
# get the header information
aseg_hdr = aseg.get_header()
# get the transformation matrix
trans = aseg_hdr.get_vox2ras_tkr()
# convert using the transformation matrix
xyz =, trans[:3, :3].T)+trans[:3, 3]
# convert to meters
xyz /= 1000.
# generate random orientations
ori = np.random.randn(xyz.shape[0], xyz.shape[1])
# create the pos dictionary
pos = dict(rr=xyz, nn=ori)
# estimate noise covarariance
noise_cov = mne.compute_covariance(epochs.crop(None, 0, copy=True))
# setup the source space
src = mne.setup_volume_source_space('spm', pos=pos)
# setup the forward model
forward = mne.make_forward_solution(, mri=mri, src=src, bem=bem)
forward = mne.convert_forward_solution(forward, surf_ori=True)
# Compute inverse solution
snr = 5.0
lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2
method = 'dSPM'
inverse_operator = make_inverse_operator(, forward, noise_cov,
loose=0.2, depth=0.8)
# Apply inverse solution to both stim types
stc_faces = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs['faces'], inverse_operator, lambda2,
stc_scrambled = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs['scrambled'], inverse_operator,
lambda2, method)
# compare face vs. scrambled trials
X = np.zeros((len(, len(epochs.times)))
for i, s in enumerate(stc_faces):
x =
X[i] = x
for i, s in enumerate(stc_scrambled):
x =
X[i+83] = x
t, p = stats.ttest_ind(X[:83], X[83:])
sig, p = mne.stats.fdr_correction(p) # apply fdr correction
# plot the results
t = epochs.times
s1 = X[:83]
s2 = X[83:]
ax = plt.axes()
l1, = ax.plot(t, s1.mean(0), 'b') # faces
l2, = ax.plot(t, s2.mean(0), 'g') # scrambled
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
ax.fill_between(t, ylim[1]*np.ones(t.shape), ylim[0]*np.ones(t.shape), sig,
facecolor='k', alpha=0.3)
ax.set_xlim((t.min(), t.max()))
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax.set_title('Right Amygdala Activation')
ax.legend((l1, l2), ('Faces', 'Scrambled'))
This looks like edge detection in the data if I don't try to understand any of the code and just look at the last graph. Is that the case? If so, I'd like to hear a little more about the math behind it. Edge detection in 2D data (hopefully with some quantification about them like rise/fall rates, magnitude and duration) is something I've hacked around for a while with data simplification like Douglas-Peucker. I would love to have a more sound approach.
ReplyDeleteActually the graph is comparing two time series and highlights an area of significant difference. Although lots of edge detection goes into segmenting the structural MRI that I use, that goes beyond the scope of my project.
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about Douglas-Peucker, but have you seen the edge detection implemented in scikit-learn?